Promotion Marketing Law
Cohen Silverman Rowan LLP (CSR) provides extensive specialized legal experience in all facets of promotion marketing law. Our specialized knowledge and decades of experience allow us to advise and guide your marketing and legal teams with cost-effective, practical solutions.
But What Makes Us Truly Different?
A hallmark of our practice is personal, timely, and efficient attention to the specific needs of our clients. We appreciate your goals and objectives and anticipate issues well before resources and time have been committed.
Your Business and Objectives:
+ Creative
+ Innovative
+ Collaborative
We will provide Relevant Advice, Guidance and Solutions.
Personalized Service:
+ Flexible
+ Responsive
+ Dedicated
We become A Value-Add For Your Marketing & Legal Teams.
Specialized Knowledge:
+ Vast Expertise
+ Decades of Experience
+ Highly Efficient
We are Cost Effective, Practical Experts.
We are your promotion marketing law experts.
Our clients include professional marketing entrepreneurs, corporate marketing departments, promotion agencies (large and small), and start-ups to Fortune 100/500 Companies. Of note is our expertise in regulated industries including alcohol beverages, tobacco, gasoline, dairy and cause-related marketing.